Emotional Landscapes | RODRIGO MOREIRA


The project consists of a fictional travel diary about places chosen randomly on the world map when it is overlaid by a digitally generated image during a working day.

Using the software Iographica, I tracked the movement of my mouse during the work period (Image 1). Soon after, I overlaid the resulting image on the world map (Image 2) identifying the points with most intense activity (Image 3).

At each one of the 15 points, marked on Google Maps (Image 4), I create a brief story about that place based on simple research on the Internet for pictures and general information (Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Image 8, Image 9, Image 10).

In "Emotional Landscapes" I create relationships that begin in the virtual space aiming to understand a bit better the real and physical world: my travel diary is an experiment in order to understand those places where I can only go through the Internet and its tools. In that context, what would be the difference between the real and the virtual world?

In each destination I am writing a story of inapprehensible colors and unlikely sensations - while I plan my next trip.

To see more about this project, please visit www.paisagensemocionais.com


Rodrigo Moreira lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is a visual artist who is interested in relations between digital and real worlds and how our experiences can be influenced by media and technology through time, affecting our memories (movements towards the past) and desires (towards the future).